Associate Professor Ryan Mathew

Consultant Neurosurgeon

MBChB (Hons.), BSc (Hons.), PGDipClinEd (RCPSG), PhD, FRCS(SN)
Contact Ryan
Ryan Mathew


Medico-Legal experience

Associate Professor Mathew enjoys a full medico-legal practice instructed by both Claimant and Defendant law firms in personal injury and clinical negligence cases.

Clinical Practice & Experience

Ryan Mathew is an Associate Professor at the University of Leeds and Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. During his neurosurgical training at Leeds (2007-2018), he undertook brain tumour research (funded by Cancer Research UK) and was awarded a PhD based on Glioma Modelling. After spending time as a Visiting Research Collaborator at the Brain Tumour Research Centre at Sick kids in Toronto, and a Neuro-Oncology Fellow at Leeds, he was appointed as the first Academic Consultant Neurosurgeon in Leeds in 2018. Associate Professor Mathew has pioneered and introduced new technologies, both locally and nationally, for the management of brain tumour patients. Examples include using virtual and mixed reality during consultations and surgery, and real-time intra-operative tumour diagnosis. He also co-leads a Brain Tumour laboratory research group and is a Clinical Advisor for MHRA Neurotechnology.

Clinical Interests

Associate Professor Mathew covers all aspects of Neurosurgery (cranial and degenerative spinal surgery) with a subspecialty interest in brain tumours; in particular gliomas, meningiomas, robotic brain biopsy and awake surgery.

Research Interests

Associate Professor Mathew leads an extensive research programme within Neurosurgery, focusing on surgical technologies and devices, as well as translational brain cancer science. He has numerous PhD and MD students under his supervision. He peer-reviews for a number of journals and grant award committees, has published numerous papers and has been Lead or Co-applicant on grant funding of over £5 Million.

Management Experience

Associate Professor Mathew lead the Project Management implementing a new electronic referrals system for Neurosurgery. He has also had junior doctor rota responsibilities and sits on the Management Boards of the NIHR Health tech Research and NIHR Biomedical Research Centres.

Summary of Publications

Associate Professor Mathew has published and co-authored approximately 55 different journal papers and book chapters.

Teaching & Training

Associate Professor Mathew is the Primary and Co-Supervisor for Masters, MD and PhD students at the University of Leeds. He is also an internal and external examiner for MD and PhD theses, an ESREP (Extended Student-led Research or Evaluation Project) supervisor for years 3, 4 and 5 medical students, and a Tutor for the RESS2 Module.

Prizes and Awards

CRUK Future Leader Award

CRUK Flame of Hope Award for Research Engagement

CRUK Leeds Centre Clinical Research PhD Fellowship

Erdheim Travel Scholarship

Hardwick Prize in Clinical Medicine

Mayo Robson Prize in Surgery

Natwest Public Speaking Trophy

Memberships of Professional Bodies & Learned Societies

Society of British Neurological Surgeons.

British Neuro-Oncology Society.

Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Medical and Dental Defence Union.

Case Manager

Anthony Evans

Contact Ryan

To appoint Ryan call us on +44 (0)161 218 0223.

Email Ryan here or use the contact form below.

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