Dr Neil Hunter

Consultant Physician

Contact Neil
Neil Hunter


Medico-Legal experience

Dr Hunter is happy to be instructed by both Claimant and Defendant law firms in personal injury and clinical negligence actions.

Clinical Practice & Experience

Since 2019, Dr Hunter has been an established Consultant Physician at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE), specialising in general, stroke and geriatric medicine.

Clinical Interests

Dr Hunter has an interest in both the acute and rehabilitation components of Stroke and Geriatric medicine. He is particularly interested in the hyper-acute treatments of acute stroke (Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis) and the rapid access to TIA clinic services. Dr Hunter is also involved in the General Medicine Acute take.

Research Interests

Dr Hunter has the following research interests:Principle investigator (RIE site) for Oceanic Stroke Trial Ongoing- a study to learn whether asundexian works better than placebo at reducing ischemic strokes in participants who recently had a non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke or TIA/mini-stroke when given in addition to standard antiplatelet therapy.Principle Investigator (RIE )Site for Axomatic- SSP Trial completed- study estimated the dose–response of milvexian for recurrent ischaemic cerebral events and major bleeding in patients with recent ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack.

Management Experience

Dr Hunter is a Clinical Lead for TIA Services in NHS Lothian.

Teaching & Training

Dr Hunter is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh since 2021. Since 2019 he has been a course organiser and lecturer for the Post-Graduate Internal Medicine course. He is also a lecturer for Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Professionals.

Memberships of Professional Bodies & Learned Societies

Fellow of Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh

Member of the British and Irish Association of Stroke Physicians

Case Manager

Paige Jonnston

Contact Neil

To appoint Neil call us on +44 (0)161 218 0223.

Email Neil here or use the contact form below.

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