Dr Ian Tyrrell Marsh

Consultant in Pre-Hospital Care

Contact Ian
Ian Tyrrell Marsh


Medico-Legal experience

Dr Ian Tyrrell-Marsh is happy to take instructions from both the Defendant and the Claimant.

Clinical Practice & Experience

Dr Tyrrell-Marsh is a consultant in prehospital care, anaesthetics, and intensive care medicine in the North-West. He has extensive experience in trauma care, working at a busy MTC in Manchester and having completed secondments with London HEMS, Essex, and Herts Air Ambulance then working for The Air Ambulance Service. He currently works with the North-West Air Ambulance as part of their Senior Medical Team.

Intensive Care:
Dr Tyrrell-Marsh has worked within a broad variety of Intensive Care Units across the North West. He has worked in both smaller DGH Units and Larger Teaching Hospital Sites; this has allowed him to gain experience of Specialist Neurological Intensive Care as well as Burns, Hepatobiliary, and Haematology. He has experience in all areas of intensive care including the acute resuscitation phase, day to day ward rounds, microbiology and housekeeping, clinical governance, research, audit and critical incident management, and transfer of patients.

Dr Tyrrell-Marsh is familiar with difficult airway procedures, fibre-optic intubation, bronchoscopy, and surgical airways. His areas of anaesthetic interest include hepatobiliary and general surgery, but he also enjoys a wide range of theatre sessions including ENT and Maxillo-Facial, vascular, and upper limb orthopaedics; he has now also settled into a regular thoracic surgery list. Dr Tyrrell-Marsh is competent in arterial and central access, thoracic epidurals, spinal anaesthesia, and both Seldinger and surgical chest drains and peripheral nerve blocks.

Dr Tyrrell-Marsh has a broad pre-hospital experience base within four different services and over 300 cases, including both medical and trauma patients. He is experienced in dealing with traumatic cardiac arrest, major transfusion strategies, blunt and penetrating trauma, and the triage and transport of critically unwell patients. He has extensive experience in the management of cardiac arrest including mechanical CPR, cooling, emergency thoracotomy, and direct transfer to primary PCI whilst still in arrest.

Clinical Interests

Dr Tyrrell-Marsh has a developing interest in the use of ultrasound in the critically unwell or arrested patient and has completed the FICE accreditation for Intensive Care.

Research Interests

Dr Tyrrell-Marsh's research began in 2005 at the end of his undergraduate education. He was heavily involved in a project on Mount Kilmanjaro looking at altitude sickness. In addition to primary data collection resulting in a number of publications, data from this project was also presented at the International High-Altitude Conference in Canada in 2006. Dr Tyrrell-Marsh has also been involved in reviewing articles for the peer reviewed Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS); he is currently PI for the ESPEAR stufy reviewing ESP blocks for rib fractures. Dr Tyrrell-Marsh has now begun implementing projects of his own and is currently pioneering the first partnership project between MFT and NWAA reviewing invasive blood pressure during cardiac arrest (ABaCAS).

Teaching & Training

Dr Tyrrell-Marsh regularly conducts bedside teaching during ward rounds on the ICU and at organised times for the juniors. He has been responsible for organising two regional teaching days for Advanced ICM trainees on peri-operative transplant patients and cardiothoracic patients, both with excellent feedback from attending trainees. Dr Tyrrell-Marsh recently delivered a critical care workshop for regional surgical trainees preparing for their MRCS exam.

Case Manager

Hannah Mooney

Contact Ian

To appoint Ian call us on +44 (0)161 218 0223.

Email Ian here or use the contact form below.

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