Miss Chandrima Biswas

Consultant Obstetrician

FRCOG MBBS PGCert (Patient Safety)
Contact Chandrima
Chandrima Biswas


Medico-Legal experience

Miss Biswas is happy to be instructed by both Claimant and Defendant law firms in personal injury and clinical negligence cases.

Clinical Practice & Experience

Miss Biswas graduated from the University of London in 1992 with MBBS. Since then, she has gone on to gain invaluable experience as an Obstetrician, joining the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology as a member in 1999, and gaining Fellowship in 2021. She has held many senior positions throughout her career. Miss Biswas has also obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Patient Safety (with distinction) from the University of Oxford. In 2021 Currently, Miss Biswas holds the position of Consultant Obstetrician and Fetal Monitoring Lead at the Whittington Health NHS Trust. She is also a Regional Clinical Advisor as part of the MNSI (previously HSIB) programme, which has investigated nearly all term intrapartum stillbirths, neonatal deaths within the first week of life, and direct and indirect maternal deaths in England since 2018. Since 2022 Miss Biswas has also been the Lead Obstetrician for Perinatal Quality at the North Central London Integrated Care Board.

Clinical Interests

As part of her role as Consultant Obstetrician, Miss Biswas specialises in highrisk and intrapartum obstetric care, and as part of her role as a Regional Clinical Advisor for MNSI, she investigates intrapartum stillbirths, neonatal deaths within the first week of life, and direct and indirect maternal deaths.

Research Interests

Miss Biswas’s recent research interests include being the local Principle Investigator for several NIHR-funded studies including: Anode study (Lancet (2019) 393 (10189) 2395-2403) Phoenix study (Lancet (2019) 394 (10204) 1181-1190) Parrot 2 study (Lancet (2024) 403 (10427) 619-631 Big baby trial (to be published 2024)

Management Experience

Throughout her career, Miss Biswas has held multiple leadership positions at the Whittington Health NHS Trust, including Obstetric Service Lead (2012-2015), Clinical Director for Women’s Health (2015-2018), and most recently Fetal Monitoring Lead Obstetrician (2021-present). During these roles, she has implemented many new service changes including a new outpatient hysteroscopy service; a second obstetric theatre on the Whittington labour ward; and the installation of a centralised CTG monitoring system on the labour ward. More recently, in 2020, Miss Biswas introduced the long-acting oxytocin analogue ‘Carbetocin’ to the Whittington labour ward.

Summary of Publications

Miss Biswas is well published. Some of her most recent works include: The Pregnancy Encyclopaedia: All Your Questions Answered. (2016) – Editor in Chief Dr Chandrima Biswas. Highly commended in the Popular Medicine category, BMA Medical Book Awards 2017. Alarm Bells in Medicine: Danger symptoms in Medicine, Surgery and Clinical Specialties: Ed Dr Nadeem Ali. Chapter: Obstetrics (2005) –Chandrima Biswas, Christina Cotzias and Philip Steer BMJ Books. Royal College of Pathologists: College Bulletin No 195 (July 2021) Maternal and Child Health: Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch.

Teaching & Training

Miss Biswas is a Management of Medical Obstetric and Trauma (mMOET) instructor.

Memberships of Professional Bodies & Learned Societies

Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Past president of the Maternity and Newborn Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine

British Intrapartum Care Society BICS-UK

British Materno-Fetal Medicine Society

Case Manager

Sophie Corby

Contact Chandrima

To appoint Chandrima call us on +44 (0)161 218 0223.

Email Chandrima here or use the contact form below.

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