The NHS offers a variety of health screening tests in the UK. The aim of health screening is to identify certain conditions early to give the best chance of treatment. Health screening is offered to people who fall into categories identified as being at particular risk of developing the specific conditions e.g., sex, age, pre-existing conditions. Examples of health screening include: diabetic eye screening, AAA screening, cervical smear test, bowel cancer screening, infectious disease in pregnancy, newborn hearing screening. Our expert witnesses are available to provide their expert medico legal opinion on health screening, including when it is offered and how it is performed.
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Dr Pramod Nair
Consultant PaediatricianExpert witness specialisms: Asthma / Cardiology / Child Development / Child's Health / Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) / Haemangiomas / Health Screening / Intensive Care / Oncology / Paediatric Cardiology / Paediatric Oncology
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Mr Jonathan Cusack
Consultant NeonatologistExpert witness specialisms: Health Screening / Intensive Care / Ischaemia / Neonatal Growth / Neonatology / Newborn Life Support / Newborn Screening
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Dr Sophie Pattison
Consultant Breast & General RadiologistExpert witness specialisms: Breast Cancer / CT Scan / Health Screening / Inherited Cancer Disorder / Metastatic Cancer / MRI Scan / Oncology / Radiology / Ultrasound Scan
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Dr Saira Mian
General PractitionerExpert witness specialisms: Allergies / Alzheimer's Disease / Antibiotics / Arthritis / Asthma / Autism / Back Pain / Behavioural Disorders / Bladder Conditions / Blood Pressure / Bronchitis / Catheterisation / Cessation / Child Development / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Contraception / Counselling / COVID-19 / Dementia / Diabetic Complications / Electrocardiography / Falls / Fibromyalgia / Fungal Infections / General Practice / Haemorrhoids / Headaches / Health Screening / Healthcare In The Community / Hearing Loss / Immunisations / Lasting Power Of Attorney / Menopause / Mood Disorders / Muscular Pain / Non-Accidental Injury / Nosebleeds / Notifiable Diseases / Palliative Care / Physiotherapy / Polypharmacy / Pre-diabetes / Pregnancy / Public Health / Reproductive Health / Respiratory Tract Infection / Safeguarding / Skin Conditions / Smoking / Stress / Substance Misuse / Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
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Dr Alex Eaton
General Practitioner (GP) PartnerExpert witness specialisms: Allergies / Alzheimer's Disease / Antibiotics / Arthritis / Asthma / Back Pain / Bladder Conditions / Blood Pressure / Bronchitis / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Contraception / Counselling / COVID-19 / Dementia / Diabetic Complications / Fibromyalgia / Fungal Infections / General Practice / Haemorrhoids / Headaches / Health Screening / Healthcare In The Community / Hearing Loss / Lasting Power Of Attorney / Menopause / Mood Disorders / Muscular Pain / Non-Accidental Injury / Palliative Care / Polypharmacy / Pre-diabetes / Pregnancy / Reproductive Health / Respiratory Tract Infection / Safeguarding / Sexual Health / Skin Conditions / Smoking Cessation / Substance Misuse / Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) / Vasectomy
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