A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) develops from a blood clot forming in the deep veins of the limbs. The blood clot most commonly develops in the lower limb veins where there is decreased or altered blood flow for example, following a long flight or from of a leg fracture. The blood clot may embolise to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolus, or to the brain, leading to a stroke.
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Dr Jeremy Lewis
Consultant in Acute and General MedicineExpert witness specialisms: Acute Internal Medicine / Acute Kidney Injury / Acute Management / Acute Medicine / Acute Respiratory Distress / Adult Resuscitation / Anaphylaxis / Blood Pressure / CPR / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Emergency/Acute Medicine / Management Of Acute Illness / Meningitis / Metabolic Disturbance / Overdose / Poisoning / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Pyelonephritis / Recognition Of Acute Illness / Seizure / Sepsis / Substance Misuse
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Dr Martin Scott
Consultant HaematologistExpert witness specialisms: Anaemia / Blood Disorders / Blood Transfusion / Chemotherapy / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Embolisation / Haematology / Haemophilia / Haemorrhage / Haemostasis / Leukaemia / Lymphoma / Myelodysplasia / Myeloma / Neutropenic Sepsis / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Sepsis / Stem Cell Transplant / Thiamine Deficiency / Thrombophilia / Thrombosis / Venous Thromboembolism
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Mr Mark Welch
Consultant Vascular & Endovascular SurgeonExpert witness specialisms: Aneurysm / Angiogram / Angioplasty / Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection / Arterio-Venous (AV) Fistula / Blood Pressure / Cannulation / Central Line / Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI) / CT Angiography / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Diabetic Complications / Endovascular Surgery / Haemorrhage / Ischaemia / IVC Filter / PICC Line / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shunt / Stenting / Thrombectomy / Varicose Veins / Vascular Embolisation / Vascular Surgery / Vascular Ulcers / Vasculitis / Venous Thromboembolism
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Dr Simon Watt
Consultant Haematologist and Clinical & Laboratory LeadExpert witness specialisms: Anaemia / Blood Disorders / Blood Transfusion / Chemotherapy / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Haematology / Haemorrhage / Leukaemia / Lymphoma / Myelodysplasia / Myeloma / Neutropenic Sepsis / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Sepsis / Stem Cell Transplant / Thiamine Deficiency / Vascular Embolisation / Venous Thromboembolism
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Mr Nee Beng Teo
Consultant Vascular & Endovascular SurgeonExpert witness specialisms: Aneurysm / Angiogram / Angioplasty / Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection / Arterio-Venous (AV) Fistula / Blood Pressure / Cannulation / Central Line / Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI) / CT Angiography / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Diabetic Complications / Endovascular Surgery / Haemorrhage / Ischaemia / IVC Filter / PICC Line / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shunt / Stenting / Thrombectomy / Varicose Veins / Vascular Embolisation / Vascular Surgery / Vascular Ulcers / Vasculitis / Venous Thromboembolism
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Mr Tawqeer Rashid
Consultant Vascular and Endovascular SurgeonExpert witness specialisms: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm / Amputation / Aneurysm / Angiogram / Angioplasty / Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection / Arterial Disease / Arterio-Venous (AV) Fistula / Carotid Dissection / Cerebral Perfusion / Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI) / CT Angiography / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Diabetic Complications / Endovascular Surgery / Extracranial Arterial Disease / Haemorrhage / Ischaemic Tissue Injury / Leg Ulcers / Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) / Pressure Sores / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shunt / Stroke / Surgical Risk Prediction / Thrombectomy / Varicose Veins / Vascular Embolisation / Vascular Stenting / Vascular Surgery / Vascular Ulcers / Venous Disease / Venous Thromboembolism / Wound Healing
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Mr Richard Pole
Managing Director of IVS & Senior Clinical Vascular ScientistExpert witness specialisms: Aneurysm / Cannulation / Carotid / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Ischaemia / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shunt / Stenting / Stroke / Thrombectomy / Varicose Veins / Vascular Embolisation / Vascular Surgery / Vasculitis / Venous Thromboembolism
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Professor Charles McCollum
Emeritus Professor of SurgeryExpert witness specialisms: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm / Aneurysm / Angiogram / Angioplasty / Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection / Arterial Disease / Arterio-Venous (AV) Fistula / Blood Transfusion / Carotid Dissection / Cerebral Perfusion / Cervical/First Rib / Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI) / CT Angiography / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Dementia & Cerebral Emboli / Diabetic Complications / Endovascular Surgery / Extracranial Arterial Disease / Haemorrhage / Ischaemia / Ischaemic Tissue Injury / IVC Filter / Leg Ulcers / Paradoxical Embolism / Pelvic Vein Incompetence / Peri-renal Aortic Aneurysm / Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) / Pressure Sores / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Stenting / Stroke / Surgical Risk Prediction / Thoracic Outlet Syndrome / Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysm / Thrombectomy / Varicose Veins / Vascular Embolisation / Vascular Stenting / Vascular Surgery / Vascular Ulcers / Vasculitis / Venous Disease / Venous Thromboembolism / Wound Healing
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Mr Keith Pearce
Consultant Cardiac ScientistExpert witness specialisms: Aneurysm / Angina / Angiogram / Angiography / Angioplasty / Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection / Blood Pressure / Cardiology / CPR / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Direct Current (DC) Cardioversion / Echocardiography / Electrocardiography / Heart Arrhythmias / Heart Failure / Ischaemia / IVC Filter / Myocardial Infarction / Myocardial Perfusion Scan / Pre-Eclampsia / Vascular Embolisation
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Dr Rachel Brown
Consultant HaematologistExpert witness specialisms: Anaemia / Blood Disorders / Blood Transfusion / Chemotherapy / Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Haematology / Haemorrhage / Myelodysplasia / Myeloma / Neutropenic Sepsis / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Sepsis / Vascular Embolisation / Venous Thromboembolism
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Mr Sandeep Bahia
Consultant Vascular and Endovascular SurgeonExpert witness specialisms: Aneurysm / Angiogram / Angioplasty / Aortic Aneurysm/Dissection / Arterio-Venous (AV) Fistula / Blood Pressure / Cannulation / Central Line / Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI) / CT Angiography / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Diabetic Complications / Endovascular Surgery / Haemorrhage / Ischaemia / IVC Filter / PICC Line / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shunt / Stenting / Thrombectomy / Varicose Veins / Vascular Embolisation / Vascular Surgery / Vascular Ulcers / Vasculitis / Venous Thromboembolism
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